New Brunswick


Provincial Health Plan

NB Medicare

Prescription Medication/Drugs

New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program (NBPDP): provides prescription drug benefits to eligible residents. Eligible residents include: low-income persons, 65 years and older; individuals diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, juvenile or infant sclerosis of the pancreas; children with special needs; individuals with multiple sclerosis; and individuals diagnosed with HIV/Aids.


Health Services Dental Program: This is a program provided by the provincial Department of Social Development to its clients who have special health needs and who qualify for assisted health care under Section 4.4 of the Family Income Security Act and Regulations. The program covers exams, x-rays, dentures and repairs, and specific fillings for adults and children; and also cleanings and root canals for children up to the age of 18. To determine qualification contact the Department.


Health Services Program: The provincial Department of Social Development provides coverage of various health services including dental care, vision, prosthetics, wheelchairs, and breathing aids to its clients who have a Health Card. To apply for this coverage, a person needs to first qualify for the Department’s Health Card. The Department determines eligibility on a case-by-case basis for low-income families, who may or may not be on social assistance from the Department.

Community Mental Health Centres: Provide a range of mental health services, including prevention, assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, crisis intervention and support to children and youth, adults, seniors and community care.

Tele-Care, Toll-free 811: Bilingual, registered nurses provide confidential health advice and information 24/7.