RSTP Video Library
Minimum Financial Support Calculator Demonstration
2022This is a demonstration video for the 2022 Minimum Financial Support Calculator. This online calculation tool can be used to determine the cost of private sponsorship, which is based on the 2022 RAP rates.
RAP-PSR Promising Practices in Supporting Resettlement during COVID-19
August 12, 2020A virtual conversation for the sponsorship community to hear from RAP colleagues about their experience planning for receiving Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) during the pandemic, and to explore together what […]
Information Session with IRCC on the Travel Resumption Process for Privately Sponsored Refugees
July 13, 2020This recorded webinar delivered by IRCC staff provides information about the travel resumption process for resettled refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic, explains from where and how refugees will be resettled […]
Les répercussions de la COVID-19 sur les demandes de parrainage de réfugiés
27 Mars, 2020Les répercussions de la COVID-19 sur les demandes de parrainage de réfugiés (pour Groupes de cinq et Répondants communautaires).
COVID-19 Update for Refugee Sponsors
April 8, 2020The webinar for Constituent Groups and co-sponsors of SAHs, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors provides an update on measures introduced by IRCC, the IOM and the UNHCR in response […]
IRCC’s Post-Arrival Assurance Activities (Part 2)
January 20, 2020This webinar for new and experienced sponsors provides an in-depth look at IRCC’s post-arrival assurance activities, including a a case scenario to give attendees a better understanding of what IRCC’s post-arrival […]
IRCC’s Post-Arrival Assurance Activities (Part 1)
This webinar for new and experienced sponsors provides an in-depth look at IRCC’s post-arrival assurance activities, including a a case scenario to give attendees a better understanding of what IRCC’s post-arrival […]
Financial Responsibilities for Groups of Five and Community Sponsors
This webinar for new and experienced Groups of Five and Community Sponsors reviews sponsors’ financial responsibilities; examines the relationship between the Sponsorship Cost Table/In-Kind Deduction Table and the RAP Rates; […]
Financial Responsibilities for SAHs
This webinar for new and experienced SAHs provides an in-depth look at sponsors’ financial responsibilities as outlined in the Sponsorship Agreement, Appendix A of the IMM 5413 Guide and Section […]
FAQs on Post Arrival Financial Support for SAHs
This webinar for new and experienced SAHs provides an in-depth look at the recent changes and updates to the FAQs on Post-Arrival Financial Support and use case scenarios to provide […]
OPENING DOORS: Metal Bar Sponsors Refugees
2019The owner and staff of a Hamilton, Ontario metal bar joined forces with friends and family to sponsor a Syrian family of four. They are going to sponsor refugees every […]
How to form a #BVOR refugee sponsor group
2019Natasha Carew and Sean Ritchie invited their wedding guests to join them in sponsoring a refugee family through the #BVOR program. It worked so well that they encourage others to […]
Checking In: Helping Sponsored Refugees Work
2019A Whistler, B.C. hotel has partnered with local refugee sponsors to provide jobs for qualified newcomers.
Growing Jobs: Sponsor Offers Refugees Greenhouse Jobs
2019A greenhouse owner offers jobs to the refugees his group sponsored — with surprising results.
Open Hearts – Small Town Refugee Sponsorship
2019Sponsor groups in southwestern Ontario share how their smaller communities offer support, networking and employment for refugees, and how they benefit from sponsoring.
Four steps to BVOR sponsorship
2019Wondering how to find a refugee to sponsor? BVOR is an innovative program that matches you with UN-referred refugees in need.
Introduction to Canada’s Refugee Sponsorship Programs
(2019) Topics covered: an overview of Canada’s refugee sponsorship programs; the history and launch of the PSR program; and, the PSR program as part of global resettlement efforts.
The PSR Program: Who can sponsor and who can be sponsored
(2019) Topics covered: who can sponsor under the PSR program; who can be sponsored; refugee status documents: what are they and who needs them; and, an overview of sponsors’ financial […]
The PSR Program: How to prepare and submit a successful application package
IMPORTANT CHANGES AS OF 01 Jan 2024 Applications for Private sponsorship are no longer submitted by email to ROC-O. Sponsors must use the Permanent Residence Portal to submit their applications. […]
The PSR Program: Adding dependents post-submission and updating applications
(2019) Topics covered: the importance of keeping IRCC up-to-date with any changes in circumstances; who to contact and when; and, how to add dependents post-submission.
The PSR Program: Supporting Settlement and Integration
(2019) Topics covered: recap of sponsors’ settlement and financial responsibilities under the PSR program; the importance of connecting newcomers with a settlement agency; managing expectations; power imbalance; and, ethical considerations.
The PSR Program: Preparing for Month 13
(2019) Topics covered: when should sponsors start preparing for Month 13; what to consider when preparing newcomers for Month 13; services available for sponsored newcomers in Month 13; evaluating the […]
How to Submit a PSR Application to ROC-O by Email
IMPORTANT CHANGES AS OF 01 Jan 2024 Applications for Private sponsorship are no longer submitted by email to ROC-O. Sponsors must use the Permanent Residence Portal to submit their applications. […]
Preserving and Improving the Mental Health of Refugees, their Sponsors and Supporters
(2019) In this webinar delivered by Klaus Gruber, he reviews what we understand about mental health and the threats and challenges to sound mental health as well as the contributions […]
When Helping Hurts – Reviewing Vicarious Trauma
(2019) In this webinar, Klaus Gruber shared information on the concept of vicarious trauma, how it affects us, and also presents ideas about how we can protect ourselves while helping […]
Refugee Sponsorship, Cultural Sensitivity and Communication: Communicating across Cultures
(2019) This webinar will provide refugee sponsors with information and tips on cross-cultural communication styles. The following topics will be covered: dimensions of culture; aspects of cultural differences; visible and […]
L’histoire de Solien, du Congo
Please click here to view the video.
The Private Sponsorship of Refugees program: an overview.
Please click here to view the video.
A new twist on refugee sponsorship
Natasha Carew and Sean Ritchie invited their wedding guests to join them on a unique journey — sponsoring a refugee family to Canada. Please click here to view the video.
The Refugee Sponsorship Training Program
Learn how the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP) can help you sponsor refugees to Canada. Please click here to view the video.
Sponsorship and Settlement of Privately Sponsored Refugees in Ontario
Learn about the sponsorship and settlement of privately sponsored refugees in Ontario. Please click here to view the video.
Month 13 Webinar for the Atlantic Provinces: Preparing for the end of sponsorship
(2018) Sponsors in the Atlantic Provinces will learn the following: When should sponsors start preparing for the end of sponsorship?; What to consider when preparing newcomers for post sponsorship?; What programs are available […]
RAP Rates: Alberta
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in Alberta (AB), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. The webinar will provide […]
RAP Rates: British Columbia
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in British Columbia (BC), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. The webinar […]
RAP Rates: Newfoundland and Labrador
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. The […]
RAP Rates: Prince Edward Island
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in Prince Edward Island (PE), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. […]
RAP Rates: New Brunswick
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in New Brunswick (NB), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. The […]
RAP Rates: Ontario
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in Ontario (ON), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. The webinar […]
RAP Rates: Nova Scotia
(2018) This webinar is for new and experienced sponsors located in Nova Scotia (NS), including Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors. The webinar […]
Private Sponsorship of Refugees: Supporting Settlement and Integration
(Dec 2017) This webinar provides an overview of settlement and integration with in the context of private refugee sponsorship and the topics includes Settlement stages; Sponsors’ role; Settlement support provided by […]
Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) Program
(2017) This webinar presents an overview of the private sponsorship and the requirements for private sponsors and refugees. The webinar will cover the following topics; launch of PSR program, program […]
BVOR Program & Eritrean Refugees
(2017) This video provides a brief description of the profiles of Eritrean refugees, including those identified for resettlement by UNHCR; discussion on the prospects of durable solutions, including resettlement, for […]
BVOR Program & Congolese Refugees
(2017) This video provides a brief description of the profiles of Congolese refugees, including those selected for resettlement; information on the main countries of asylum for Congolese refugees; discussion on […]
Demystifying Misconceptions about Refugees and Syrian Refugees
(2017) This webinar clarifies misconceptions about refugees; examines the differences between refugees and immigrants/migrants; provides information on the demographic of Syrian refugees that were sponsored to Canada in 2015/2016; and, […]
Power Imbalance
(2017) In this video, sponsors will learn about: how to minimize power imbalance within the sponsor-refugee relationship.
Sponsorship Ethics
(2017) In this video, sponsors will learn about: ethical practices to consider in refugee sponsorship.
Managing Expectations
(2017) In this video, sponsors will learn about how expectations can be managed to avoid potential conflict and facilitate a successful sponsorship.
Month 13 Planning
(2017) In this video on Month 13 planning, sponsors will learn about: when to start preparing newcomers for Month 13, post-sponsorship services and resources that may be available for newcomers, […]
Supporting Refugee Mental Health
August 10, 2016. Webinar session features Ms. Mariana Martinez Vieyra, a guest speaker from Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture (VAST). The presentation covers the following topics: Mental Health Concerns […]
Supporting Settlement and Integration
July 19, 2016. The session covers the following topics: Handling Unrealistic Expectations, Establishing Communication, Cultural Awareness, and Ethical Considerations in Settlement.
Planning for the Month 13: BC Employment and Assistance Program
November 29, 2016. As part of RSTP’s webinar series on planning for the transition to Month 13, RSTP organized a webinar session for sponsors in British Columbia focusing on BC […]
Planning for Month 13: New Brunswick Social Assistance
December 20, 2016. This webinar provides an overview of the process of transitioning from private sponsorship to Social Assistance in New Brunswick. Guest speaker, Sacha Hamming, Social Development Transition Coordinator with the […]
Planning for Month 13: Nova Scotia Income Assistance
December 19, 2016. This webinar provides an overview of the process of transitioning from private sponsorship to Income Assistance in Nova Scotia. Guest speakers from the Department of Community Services, Denise […]
Sponsoring Refugees Through a Group of Five
2016Are you a member of a Group of Five but not sure what forms are needed? Wondering what happens to a refugee sponsorship application after you submit in Canada? This […]
Completing the IMM0008 Forms
2016Step-by-step, this video reviews important items contained in the forms that comprise the permanent residence application package for refugees abroad.
Becoming a Community Sponsor Webinar – Dec 15, 2015
2015Are you part of an organization, association or corporation that would like to engage in community sponsorship of refugees? This webinar led by an RSTP Trainer will cover the application […]
Group of Five Refugee Sponsorship
2015Are you a member of a Group of Five but not sure what forms are needed? Wondering what happens to a refugee sponsorship application after you submit in Canada? This […]
October 6, 2015 – Overview of Private Refugee Sponsorship
This webinar provides an overview of the Private Sponsorship of Refugees program in Canada (excluding Quebec). The information in the webinar is only up to date as of October 6, 2015. […]
Overview Webinar: Private Sponsorship of Refugees program in Canada
2015This webinar provides an overview of the Private Sponsorship of Refugees program in Canada (excluding Quebec). The information in the webinar is only up to date as of September 15, […]
Refugees, Mental Health and Sponsorship
2013Through interviews with mental health service providers and a member of a sponsoring group, this video presents some of the challenges of sponsoring refugees who experience mental health issues and helpful tips for supporting such refugees.
Why Sponsor Refugees?
2012This video is recommended for viewing with groups that are new to the Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program. It features reflections by seasoned Canadian sponsors.
Refugee Sponsorship and Expectations: Sponsor and Refugee Perspectives
2012Sponsors’ and former refugees’ voices are featured in this video about the initial experience, discoveries, challenges and opportunities that are part of the refugee sponsorship experience.
Settlement Experiences of Iraqi Refugees
2012Four families who came to Canada as privately sponsored refugees share their experiences, discoveries and hopes for their future in Canada.
Settlement of Refugees with the Support of Brottier House
2012This video documents one of the settlement practices in the Canadian sponsorship community and shares insights about refugee sponsorship through conversations with the Director of Brottier House and a former resident.