Fact Sheets

Getting ready
- Persecution Based on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
- Private Sponsorship of Refugees
- How to Become a Sponsor
- Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs)
- Group of Five (G5)
- All About Refugees
- Who Can Be Sponsored
- Refugee Status and Refugee Status Documents
- Blended Visa Office-Referred (BVOR) Program
- Visa Office Referrals (VOR)

Ensuring a successful sponsorship year
- COVID-19 Resources for Sponsors & Newcomers
- Cultural Awareness
- Financial Guidelines For SAHs
- Health Care Coverage (IFHP) National
- Health Care Coverage for Privately Sponsored Refugees in Ontario
- Locating Community Services
- Managing Expectations
- ODSP Eligibility for Refugees in first 12 months
- One Year Window (OYW)
- Tax Receipts for Gifts
- Sponsorship Disputes & Breakdowns
- Month 13 Resource Kit
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sexual Harassment
- The Rights of Privately Sponsored Refugees
- Declaration of Funds and Assets on Arrival of Privately Sponsored Refugees