Ready, Set, Match #3 – Fundraising Guidelines and Ideas for a BVOR Sponsorship


This webinar is part of a four-part series of short, practical training sessions designed to get you ready to match with a BVOR refugee or refugee family in urgent need of sponsorship. Ready, Set, Match #3 –Fundraising Ideas and Guidelines: Once you know how much money you need for a BVOR sponsorship, it’s time to put […]

(French language webinar) Le délai prescrit d’un an / the one-year-window


(Please note - this workshop will be held in French only. ) Cette séance abordera les sujets suivants : *Qu’est-ce que le délai prescrit d’un an? *Qui est éligible au délai prescrit d’un an? *Accompagnants vs non-accompagnants? *Comment fonctionne les délais prescrits d’un an? *Quelles sont les responsabilités des parrains ?   La séance aura […]

Welcoming New Neighbours Through the BVOR Program (Webinar)


You can become a catalyst for positive change through Canada’s special program that matches would-be refugee sponsors with refugees in need of resettlement. Join us on Tuesday, January 28th from 7 to 8 pm EST for an introduction to the Blended Visa Office-Referred (BVOR) program and find out: *how the BVOR program works *who is […]

Pre-Arrival Services – Support for Preparing Sponsored Refugees for Their Move to Canada


Moving to a new country can be daunting! Free, government-funded, pre-arrival programs can be the first step to helping the refugees you've sponsored with their transition to life here in Canada. During this virtual info session, sponsors will learn about the various pre-arrival services that are available, including: *when the sponsored refugees will be eligible […]